Pale Blonde/Platinum Sausage Curl Skipper (Sample Doll)

After many years of collecting and almost daily research on Skipper dolls it always amazes me that there are still items to discover, just like this amazing Sausage Curl Skipper doll with unusual hair. 


Unlike the regular blonde Sausage Curl Skippers, which have golden blonde hair, this girl has a very pale blonde or even platinum hair color. She's all original. 


Below you can see some pics comparing her to the regular issue. You can see the difference in hair colors, but if you see the dolls "in person", it's even more evident. 


More infos on this girl and the possibility that she's a sample doll can be found on this webpage:

Page from the "Living BARBIE and Living SKIPPER" booklet dated 1970 showing pale blonde/platinum Sausage Curl Skippers:

Photos of the pale blonde girl compared to a regular blonde: